Your Hair Will Thank You for This Protein Mask

As a starting natural, I used to get very obnoxious about adding a hair mask to my beauty routine because conditioner needs every bit of patience for great results. That was until I noticed I was already creating a variety show; coating my hair oils and moisturizers, and rose heat protector before stepping outside (Hotlanta why you so hot?)

Just like skin, hair has to be maintained daily to look and be healthy. There is a huge difference between a protein and conditioning treatment. Protein treatment helps strengthen brittle and sometimes damaged hair making it healthy and thick. Sometimes after you use a protein treatment your hair will often feel excessively dry, this is normal and will only require extra conditioner for a few days. What really matters is the refreshers happening in the scalp. If you love extra soft hair, then this DIY aromatherapy conditioner will help.


DIY Hair Protein Treatment

•1 tablespoon raw shea butter
•½ cup full-fat yogurt
•1 tablespoon molasses
•10 drops rosemary oil
•½ teaspoon lavender flowers (dried)


  1. Heat shea butter until melted.
    2. Spoon yogurt into the melted shea butter.
    3. Add molasses and stir continually. The mixture will start to turn brown and bring in an amazing aroma
    4. Apply the mixture from your crown to your ends.
    5. Leave in for a few minutes, the longer the wait the softer the hair.


So Much Love From Atlanta!

Photo Credit: Pexels




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